Have Too Much Stuff? A Checklist For A New Minimalist
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It is a common misconception that minimalism is the absence of anything. However, minimalism is the careful selection of items that one uses to create a more efficient and organized lifestyle. It is not about living with less, but living with only what is needed. This allows an individual to focus on what is important and enjoy life without being weighed down by material possessions.
What you learn as a minimalist is that cutting back on unnecessary ‘stuff’ and clutter can lead to less stress, more freedom, and a greater appreciation for the few items that really matter to you.
What is considered “too much” varies depending on the situation. Use this checklist to determine if something is excessive.

The Thought of Cleaning Surfaces is Overwhelming
It may be time to dust the dresser and nightstands in your bedroom. If the thought of that is making you anxious, then you likely have too much on those surfaces. Wiping them down should only take a few seconds. Otherwise, you’ll spend your whole life tidying!
The Space You Live In Feels Too Small
If you’re using more space than you need, it may be time to clear out some of your clutter and make some room. This doesn’t mean you have to move into a huge house or apartment – just declutter the areas where you spend the most time.
You Tend to Spend More Time Looking for Stuff Than Doing Things
If you’re constantly looking for your phone, wallet, or glasses, it might be time to reorganize your storage area. When everything is in one place, it’s much easier to find what you’re looking for.
You’re Constantly Buying More Stuff Than You Need
Stop and ask yourself if you really need that new shirt, book, or toy. If the answer is no, try to find a way to use the item before you buy it. Sometimes we fall victim to “the sunk cost fallacy” – we feel like we’ve invested so much time and money into something, we can’t bear the thought of throwing it away.
You Keep Buying More Stuff Than You Can Use or Wear
If you’re constantly filling your storage area with new clothes, electronics, and furniture, it might be time to rethink your shopping habits. Instead of buying what you think you’ll need, try thinking about how you’ll use the item in question. In order to live a minimalist lifestyle, you need to figure out what you truly need and want in life.
Too often, we go shopping based on what others tell us we need or what we think will make us happy. Instead of filling our homes with things that don’t actually matter, it might be time to rethink your shopping habits and focus on what will make you happy.
When you’re armed with this knowledge, it’s easier to pick items that reflect your values and help you achieve your goals.
You’re Tired of Cleaning Up After Yourself
If cleaning up after yourself is becoming a massive chore, it may be time to reorganize your living space. Clutter tends to spread when there’s nowhere for it to go. If that’s not an option, try setting minimalistic guidelines for yourself – like only putting things down where they truly belong. When making these decisions, remember that minimalism is all about finding what works best for you.
You’re Considering Buying A Bigger Home to Fit Your Things
In This is something a lot of us do without a second thought. But if you’re buying an entirely new house just to store more of your items, then this is really something of a worrying sign. You should be able to store everything you own in a small flat let alone a house!
The Thought of Moving is Terrifying
Now is the time to consider whether or not you could move house without too much stress. Could you do it on your own, or would you need to spend money on a removals company? If it’s the latter, then it’s a clear demonstration that your possessions are limiting your freedom.
You should be able to just up and leave to go wherever the wind takes you—your belongings shouldn’t trap you in one part of the world!
You Have Boxes Under the Bed and Shoved In the Closet
These boxes are full of clothes, shoes, and other things that you haven’t used in a while. It’s time to get rid of them! If you have any items in your home that you no longer use, it may be time to consider getting rid of them. This includes any clothes, shoes, or other items that are taking up space in your home. You can either donate these items or throw them away. This doesn’t sound like a big deal but it actually has a big psychological impact on how big and spacious a room feels. It’s important to include space in your home to let it breathe and this is a very important space that you should prioritize.
You Can’t Perform a Mental Inventory
Run through everything you own in your head… Done yet? If you find this virtually impossible or you miss out large numbers of things, then clearly you have more stuff than you can keep track. Time for some of it to go! If you’re considering a more minimalist lifestyle, here’s a checklist of key questions to help you decide if you have too much stuff:
1. Do you feel like your stuff owns you, instead of the other way around?
2. Are your closets and drawers overflowing, even after you’ve decluttered?
3. Do you always seem to be running out of storage space, no matter how much you purge?
4. Are you tired of feeling like a slave to your stuff?
5. Do you wish you could simplify your life and have more time and energy for things that really matter to you? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then it’s likely that you have too much stuff and could benefit from living a more minimalist lifestyle.
You Are a Better Organizer Than You Think
If you have trouble keeping your kitchen clean, you may be overwhelmed by the prospect of cleaning it every day. However, if you use the following tips, you can make it a regular part of your weekly routine: designate a specific time each day for kitchen cleaning, put all of your dishes in the dishwasher at that time, or put all dirty dishes in the sink to soak. Wipe down your counters and put away any ingredients you used for cooking.
Over time, this will help declutter your kitchen while saving you time and energy. There’s no need to stress over whether or not to throw out that old shirt that’s been languishing in your closet for months. If it hasn’t been worn or used recently, there’s no reason to keep it around. Consider donating it to charity or selling it online.
Do you have everything that you need to make the switch to a minimalist lifestyle?